Next, I printed and cut out the pieces that I had rearranged and scaled in PhotoShop. Then painstaking glued and re-cut them out of cardboard. This gave me a sturdy base that I could build on without having to rely on fiber glass like most paper craft builders do. I grabbed my glue gun and assembled the pieces and ended up with a base helmet that fit nicely but had room of the parts and pieces that would come later. Because I skipped the ear pieces I cut two large round circles of cardboard and placed them inside the helmet to fill the empty spots. Then using two soda cans I crafted the ears by bending cardboard in a ring. Later soda can ends and plexiglass would cove the ends.
After crafting the helmet skeleton I took Bondo and smoothed out the cracks and blockly-ness of the paper craft base. After letting it dry, I sanded for several hours with a rasp and various levels of sandpaper. Once that was round and smooth I repeatedly used a thick layer of white acrylic paint to further fill in spots, and then re-sanded. Finally two coats of glossy black paint gave me the base helmet I needed to move on to the fun electrical parts. (Time: two weeks of nights and weekends)
In between waiting for things to dry I created a set of gloves from black work groves and milk carton plastic. This was covered by metal duct work tape and hot glued to the gloves. I based the shapes off of Volpin's glove template and then adjusted it to fit a scanned trace of my hands.
Next came the part I was looking forward to. I had already ordered 500 3mm red leds, 10 MAX7219CNG chips and other assorted leds and parts off of ebay before starting work on the helmet as I knew it would take 2-3 weeks to get them from China. By the time I had the helmet ready everything had arrived. I used my heat gun to bend a strip of plexiglass into shape and then carefully drilled 256 pairs (that is 512 individual holes!) using a 1/32 inch bit. A rotery tool or drill press would have been nice, but a hand held drill got the job done without any accidents. I used a paper template to mark each hole before drilling. Then I trimmed and soldered each red led into vertical column, then after completing each column I would bend the annode and connect it to the previous led in the row. This created groups of 64 leds, the cathode wires holding in the leds vertically and the annode wires holding the group together in rows. After finishing each group of 64 I used some spare ribbon wire to build the connectors.
Each of the four groups had two connectors and which went to a separate MAX7219CNG soldered to a protoboard. Each board and headers where custom designed and hand soldered. I could have ordered a custom PCBs, which would have shaved several days of work off, but that would have cost a lot more, so in an effort to keep the build costs down I did everything by hand. There is a lot in information on using the 7219 chips with arduinos and the Led Matrix library does most of the hard work for you. On the hardware end, basically they are chained together and require a resistor and two capacitors, beyond that it is just a matter of connecting the right pins to the right led row. Once that was finished, I connected everything tested out a few patters and attached the array to the inside of the helmet. Using some night shade car tint spray and another bent piece of plexiglass, I had the helmet all covered and almost finished.
The final parts where the ear and side lights. Using a separate fifth MAX7219CNG, I created 4 led protoboards (two for each side/ear), the side lights where directly connected back to the 7219 board and the ear lights had separate headers as they needed to be threaded through a slit in the cardboard. I mounted the side lights and build a little reflective holder that would defuse the bright leds of the colored rows. Next, I had to cut out and round some plexiglass by hand to match the ear shapes. The ends of soda cans covered the plexiglass and ear leds. Then I masked off each exposed plexiglass piece on the helmet with masking tape and gave the entire thing a final coat of rustoleum metallic spray paint. Once again I could have worked out some form of chroming as others have done, but chroming along would add $100+ to the build price. The metallic paint actually looks quite good despite laking the complete mirror reflection, the only issue is that it needs light spray passes, takes several days to dry, and can still be dulled by touching even after dry. I just used the ears to put on the helmet, which kept the dulling in one place and avoided touching the main body as much as possible. The lights tend to distract people anyway so it is not much of a problem unless you plan to wear this all the time. (Time two weeks of nights and weekends)
The final touches where the power supply and the programing. I used a pololu power regulator as it covers the amperage requirements and could be reused as a breadboard power supply. For the power supply, 8 AA batteries supplied 12v to the regulator and where still ok power wise after all the Halloween festivities where over. Then I wired up an arduino to all of the MAX7219CNGs and also to a separate row of three buttons that I could use to switch patterns. The arduino sketch can be found here. It was interesting as I figured out a nifty way to use a array of vertical 8 bit char and then bit shift them into rows based on an offset, this let me create a quick java program to visually create the patterns and then enter the numbers into the array. A few patterns needed special handling code but most where covered. I have to give tekparasite extra credit, as while I had a few animations in mind I was looking for extra example from the actual Daft Punk helmets, he had actual videos of many very creative choices, some of which I included in my build. (See video below!)
The end result was everything I expected. The helmet had a few cosmetic inperfections here and there, but looked fine over all and the light effects made sure no one noticed right away as everyone was too busy watching in surprise. I also believe I get some partial bragging rights as unless someone has not posted their project, this is the first DIY helmet to include all four working light sections (front, both side parts and ears) and be on youtube/blog for others to use as a reference. Both Volpin and tekparasite who have have impressive helmets (with actual crome finish) where missing one of the four in the end result videos that where posted. Hopefully this will inspire others to not give up due to cost and make budget restricted but still functional helmets in the future.
I am trying to build your project and have some troubles with the code. I am using 4 8x8 MAX7219 matrices (from and an Arduino Nano V3.0. Connections seem to be write when I am using Example of LEDcontrol library. But when I try the sketch you provide nothing happens.
What could go wrong?
Best regards
Off the top of my head I may know what is happening. My helmet has three buttons that turn it on and to switch pattern. If you just have it connected to the leds, you will have to add a button to turn it on, or modify the code it to not use the on button.
You just killed me :) I am very happy to read your answer because I though I burned the controller. The only question is what kind of buttons I have to use (some resistors may be).
And I forgot to ask about the year lights - I assume you are using pins 7,6,5 to control the last MAX7219 chip which LEDs are divided in two groups Left and Right (or I am wrong?)
They are just simple normal open (NO) buttons. You should be able to just connect wires for testing if you do not have buttons handy. Correct. I just did some cross wiring so that each ear light is one row on the matrix. So there are two rows, one for each ear. That way I can control each of the 6 ear light individually, though for my code I have them doing the same thing.
From the sketch I see buttons are between 13 (as a base) and 2,3,4 analog pins. With Example LEDcontrol sketch I am using 12,11,10, (even with only 3 connections) to power the MAX7219. What connections do you use for your sketch: DIN-12; CLK-11; CS(LOAD)-10; GND-?; VCC-?
Is your code running on Arduino nano? If yes what pins should I use?
Nope, it is on a full size diecimila board. I nave not used the nano boards.
Hi, I love your project; and I would like to use your code, but I get this error
can you help me?
///// exit status 1 /////
///// 'slideWave' was not declared in this scope /////
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