Well I got another iBook from surplus for another dollar, which also was showing the same symptoms of the GPU having solder connection issues. Also once again by putting pressure on the chip and the board the LCD would turn on. However unlike the last iBook I tried this fix on, this one required less pressure to get the screen going, and would stay on at certain angles, so what ever was wrong with the solder was quite a bit less than the last iBook, which makes my life easier.
So, I grabbed the propane torch and set up the board by removing anything that would melt. This time, after doing some research of others attempts at this process, and found that a slow heating and cooling process is much more effective. So I heated for a minute at a low setting from a little distance, then heated at full for about another minute while watching the screen. At the start, the screen was a garbled mess, however soon the chip overheated and the screen did a weird blurring effect. This was normal and happened last time, so I backed off with the heat and allowed it to cool a bit, after a few seconds the chip started again, but was still not quite right, so I repeated the process. This time after backing off with the heat, the screen went to the blinking question folder that I was looking for. After getting this far, I let the chip cool on its own, which took around ten minutes. After it cooled correctly, I made sure the board turned on, and shook and slightly bent the board to make sure it was securely connected. My last attempt had several failed successes, which by bending the board showed it had not correctly reflowed the solder. However this time it was fully connected.
Ha, it may have taken two attempts to get right, but now I have a working iBook for my digital picture frame project, and as requested I have pictures of torch in action, which where missing from my other post, enjoy.