May 14, 2008

Java Simple Physics

Well with classes over, I wanted to at least do something with the year of University Physics torture I have endured. Thus I present Java Simple Physics. It is just a quick physics example that uses the kinetic and potential relationship to have balls with different gravity constants drop then bounce with no loss of energy. It took a few hours to get right, mostly because I either did not know what I was doing, or was over complicating things. I hope to slowly improve on this concept till I have a VERY simple physics engine. Hey, it can only help to have a physics engine laying around, one day I might actually need one.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class Physics extends Thread
private int worldx = 200, worldy = 900, worldtime = 15;
private JFrame frame = new JFrame();
private Ball ball,ball1;

public Physics()
// Set up frame
// Make new ball
ball = new Ball(400,450,9.8,worldx,worldy,worldtime);
ball1 = new Ball(400,450,3.8,worldx,worldy,worldtime);

public void run()
// Cover old draw with fresh screen

// Move and paint ball

catch(Exception e){System.out.print(e);}

public static void main(String args[])
Physics p = new Physics();

class Ball
private double gravity = 9.8, t;
private double x,y,v,a,m,dx,dy,dv,k,u;
private int worldx,worldy,dir=-1,width = 90;

public Ball(int xin, int yin, double g, int wx,int wy, int time)
// Set Constants
worldx = wx; worldy = wy-width; t = time;
// Reduce gravity to fit with drawing refresh rate
gravity = g * .02;

// Center ba;; on x axis
x = worldx/2 + width/2;

// Set varables
y = yin;
v = 0;
a = 0;

// Preset u and k values based on varables
k = (m * gravity * (worldy - width)) - (m * gravity * y);
if(k < 0){ k = 0; }
u = m * gravity * y;

// Catch and reverse
public void move()
// Calculate u and k
k += u - (m * gravity * y);
u = m * gravity * y;
//Find dv based on k = .5mv^2
dv = ((2 * k) / m) - v;

// Catch and reverse on k or u < 0
if(k <= 0 && dir == 1)
dir = -1;
v = v*(-1);
a = a*(-1);
k = 1;
u = m * gravity * worldy-width/10;
dv = -1;
else if(u <= 0 & dir == -1)
dir = 1;
v = v*(-1);
a = a*(-1);
u = 0;
k = m * gravity * worldy-width/10;
dv = ((2 * k) / m);

// Finalise new movement
y += ((1+dv)*dir)/t;

// Print out values when needed
//System.out.println("x:"+x+" y:"+y+" u:"+u+" k:"+k+" - dv"+dv*dir);

public void draw(Graphics g)
// Draw to screen
g.fillOval(worldx - (int)x, worldy - (int)y - width/3, width, width);


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